As the leading courier service provider, we transport parcels and goods to Asian, American, and UK countries; the Middle East; Gulf countries; and African countries, including overseas courier samples, gift items, and so on. Our international courier service helps you to ship personal goods and food items internationally. We specialize in overseas express documents, overseas educational study documents, commercial cargo/logistics, etc.

Affordable Courier Services in Coimbatore

Some of the Interesting Benefits of Our Services

  • International Courier & Logistics Door-to-Door Delivery Services.

  • International Express Package Delivery Services

  • International Express Commercial Cargo Delivery Services.

FedEx International Couriers Coimbatore
  • International Express Personal Goods & Food Items & Gift Items Delivery Services.

  • International Express Documents & Abroad University Documents Delivery Services.

  • Time Definite Courier Delivery Services.

Our Services

Discover the ease of worldwide courier services from Coimbatore through Oscar Express World Wide. As your trusted partner, we collaborate with renowned brands like DHL, Blue Dart, FedEx, and UPS to provide wholesale international air courier solutions. Enjoy prompt, secure, and tracked deliveries at discounted rates for your valuable documents and parcels, ensuring timely arrivals. For time-sensitive foreign documents, our priority delivery service guarantees fast and reliable shipments. We specialize in meeting your unique needs with seamless courier solutions. Additionally, we excel in shipping excess baggage worldwide, offering international standard packaging and effortless customs clearance assistance.

  • Electrical goods & components garments

  • Any manufactured items
  • Non-commercial shipments
  • Cargo shipments, air & sea freight
  • Air & sea re-locations
  • Packers & Movers
  • Excess Baggage & Unaccompanied Baggage
  • Medicines
  • Food items including savories & spices
  • Homemade eatables
  • Books& stationery
  • Handicrafts & antiques
  • Pooja items & all types of household goods

We deliver your goods to 325 international locations including the USA, UK, Germany, Singapore, Gulf, and Africa with free pick-up service and door-to-door delivery service. Contact us to get an affordable DHL & Fedex couriers in Coimbatore. We transit goods and packages such as food items, medical documents, samples, and so on. call us for more: 096262502040422 2232949.

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